Emily Urban Emily Urban

4 Steps to Take Your Riding Career Full-Time as a Pro

You love horses. You love them so much you want to make a career out of it, you dream of going pro.

But you aren’t sure where to start, or even how to start…

Or you started already, but you don’t have time to breathe, let alone actually pursue your riding goals…

And you are worried because you see so many talented riders who try to go pro but don’t seem to make it. I’m here to let you know that you can write your own story and find incredible success as a professional.

When I first went pro, I noticed that with my co-professionals some were having incredible success while others were really struggling and I became fascinated by what made a successful business in the horse industry. I spoke with hundreds of industry experts to learn what works and what doesn’t…

I’ve taken the knowledge I’ve gained from other professionals and combined with my own experience as a life-long equestrian, a dual-career professional, and a corporate role to bring you the Path to Pro program.

This program will show you what is possible in a pro riding/training career by walking you through the framework on how you can set yourself up for holistic success in your pro career.

We’re opening up enrollment this Monday, April 22nd, but until then, in this week’s video I’m sharing 4 Steps to Take Your Riding Career Full-Time as a Pro. In this video you’ll learn:
How to Define Your Vision
Build Your Credentials
Choose the Right Location
Brand and Market Yourself

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Emily Urban Emily Urban

3 Steps to Set Boundaries in Your Equestrian Business

Let’s be honest, no one likes criticism. Sure, we eventually get pretty good with constructive criticism, especially in our riding.
But criticism of us as professionals or related to our business?! That’s a whole other level! That’s right, this is largely a customer service industry and keeping our clients happy is part of it, so the last thing we want is bad talk about us going around.
However, what happens when we say ‘yes’ more than we say ‘no’ (Even when we would rather stay no!)? What happens when we let our clients push our boundaries and we unnecessarily ‘bend over backwards’ for them so they only have absolutely amazing things to say about us? You know… extreme ‘people pleasing’.
What does this lead to? A lot of tired, burned-out trainers.
Guess what, that was me at some point. Yup, an excessive people pleaser by nature who really had to reflect on this tendency and change my ways.
Well in today’s video, I tell you why you should stop ‘people pleasing’ and how this core change went for me in my business. Don’t worry, I still love my clients and want the best results for them, but I work for them on my time, in my way… and I am very clear about how my program works and the personal boundaries I have (i.e., scheduling, communication, etc.).
Listen for tips for yourself!

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Emily Urban Emily Urban

What I would do differently if I rebuilt my training/teaching business

If you are planning to build your training/teaching business in the next couple of years (or already are!), I want to share some tips that I wish I did early on.
Avoid my mistakes! Or at least gain some insight on the things I learned along the way.
When we are first starting our businesses, we are navigating some pretty new territory. From building a reputation to attracting our first clients to delivering results… all while pursuing our own riding and competition goals. It can be tough!
Watch this week’s video to dive into what I would do differently if I rebuilt my training/teaching business. Let me share the first two tips of the video to start us off (there are more tips in the video!):
1. Offer free educational events to attract clients: Partner with local organizations to host free events that showcase your skills and knowledge. This will help you build trust and get your name out there.
2. Raise your rates sooner rather than later: Don't be afraid to charge what you're worth. Clients who value your expertise will be happy to pay a fair price. It’s OK to start with low prices initially to get ‘people in the door’ but soon you can start bumping those prices up (in a professional way of course)!
3. …. + tips in the video!
Want to hear the rest? Check out the video!

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Emily Urban Emily Urban

5 Secrets of the Lovable Riding Instructor

So, let’s build this teaching skill… even for you current pros out there! In this week’s video, I’m sharing the secrets of a “sold out”, loveable riding instructor. What makes clients flock to your program, while the barn down the road is struggling to fill spots? Why does word of mouth from your students pack your lesson schedule? Let’s find out in this video.

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Emily Urban Emily Urban

3 Ways to Make Going Pro Easier

Establishing yourself in the equine industry as an equine professional can be overwhelming. I know. In this video, I outline 3 ways to make going pro easier. These are things that I wished I knew earlier! They include knowing where you are going, building your network, and outlining your credentials.

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Emily Urban Emily Urban

Making your mark: Strategies to connect with breeders

What does connecting with breeders have to do with ‘going pro’? Working with breeders can fast track your skills with young horses and knowledge of what to look for in future equine athletes. But where do you start? I just published a video to my YouTube channel that shares:
• Tips for actually finding and introducing yourself to local breeders
• The key benefits of learning from breeders early in your career
• Examples of deals between riders and breeders

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