Mistakes Equine Businesses Make (And How to Fix Them!)

Pros make mistakes in their businesses. And guess what, it’s usually not in the teaching, training, coaching side of things! It’s usually in the ‘money and client relationships’ department.

As the Founder of the Rising Equestrian Pro (REP), I not only share from my own experiences as a pro but from the hundreds of conversations I have had with current equine pros and industry experts (accountants, bookkeepers, attorneys, etc.).

So, what are 4 common mistakes equine businesses make? This week’s video not only gives you this ‘sneak peek’ but tells you how to fix them (or avoid them!).

From setting clear boundaries on lesson cancellations to ensuring you get paid on time to handling the never-ending text message streams from clients, this video offers valuable insights to help you not only stay in business but THRIVE as a pro.

 Cheers to chasing the dream,


P.S. If you haven’t watched it already, I have a FREE video series you can access called the “7-Day Roadmap to Pro." for those interested in learning more about becoming a successful equestrian professional.


(Enter your name and email and get an video sent straight to your inbox for 7 days!)


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