4 Steps to Take Your Riding Career Full-Time as a Pro

You love horses. You love them so much you want to make a career out of it, you dream of going pro.

But you aren’t sure where to start, or even how to start…

Or you started already, but you don’t have time to breathe, let alone actually pursue your riding goals…

And you are worried because you see so many talented riders who try to go pro but don’t seem to make it. I’m here to let you know that you can write your own story and find incredible success as a professional.

When I first went pro, I noticed that with my co-professionals some were having incredible success while others were really struggling and I became fascinated by what made a successful business in the horse industry. I spoke with hundreds of industry experts to learn what works and what doesn’t…

I’ve taken the knowledge I’ve gained from other professionals and combined with my own experience as a life-long equestrian, a dual-career professional, and a corporate role to bring you the Path to Pro program.

This program will show you what is possible in a pro riding/training career by walking you through the framework on how you can set yourself up for holistic success in your pro career.

We’re opening up enrollment this Monday, April 22nd, but until then, in this week’s video I’m sharing 4 Steps to Take Your Riding Career Full-Time as a Pro. In this video you’ll learn:

  • How to Define Your Vision

  • Build Your Credentials

  • Choose the Right Location

  • Brand and Market Yourself

If you are thinking about going pro, I can’t wait to help guide you through your path to pro and I hope you’ll join me in my upcoming program.

Cheers to chasing the dream,



How I built my business in my 20's