What I would do differently if I rebuilt my training/teaching business

Don’t Repeat My Mistakes!

If you are planning to build your training/teaching business in the next couple of years (or already are!), I want to share some tips that I wish I did early on.

Avoid my mistakes! Or at least gain some insight on the things I learned along the way.

When we are first starting our businesses, we are navigating some pretty new territory. From building a reputation to attracting our first clients to delivering results… all while pursuing our own riding and competition goals. It can be tough!

Watch this week’s video to dive into what I would do differently if I rebuilt my training/teaching business. Let me share the first two tips of the video to start us off (there are more tips in the video!):

  1. Offer free educational events to attract clients: Partner with local organizations to host free events that showcase your skills and knowledge. This will help you build trust and get your name out there.

  2. Raise your rates sooner rather than later: Don't be afraid to charge what you're worth. Clients who value your expertise will be happy to pay a fair price. It’s OK to start with low prices initially to get ‘people in the door’ but soon you can start bumping those prices up (in a professional way of course)!

  3. …. + tips in the video!

Want to hear the rest? Check out the video!

Cheers to chasing the dream,



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