3 Steps to Set Boundaries in Your Equestrian Business

Let’s be honest, no one likes criticism. Sure, we eventually get pretty good with constructive criticism, especially in our riding.

But criticism of us as professionals or related to our business?! That’s a whole other level! That’s right, this is largely a customer service industry and keeping our clients happy is part of it, so the last thing we want is bad talk about us going around.

However, what happens when we say ‘yes’ more than we say ‘no’ (Even when we would rather stay no!)? What happens when we let our clients push our boundaries and we unnecessarily ‘bend over backwards’ for them so they only have absolutely amazing things to say about us? You know… extreme ‘people pleasing’.

What does this lead to?  A lot of tired, burned-out trainers.

Guess what, that was me at some point. Yup, an excessive ‘people pleaser’ by nature who really had to reflect on this tendency and change my ways.

Well in today’s video, I tell you why you should stop ‘people pleasing’ and how this core change went for me in my business. Don’t worry, I still love my clients and want the best results for them, but I work for them on my time, in my way… and I am very clear about how my program works and the personal boundaries I have (i.e., scheduling, communication, etc.).

Listen for tips for yourself!

Cheers to chasing the dream,



Why Pros Fail


What I would do differently if I rebuilt my training/teaching business